Thursday, February 16, 2017

SMFM issues statement regarding acetaminophen use in pregnancy and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children.

courtesy: pixabay

SMFM issued a recent statement regarding the safety and use of acetaminophen in pregnancy “The SMFM continues to advise that acetaminophen be considered a reasonable and appropriate medication choice for the treatment of pain and/or fever during pregnancy.” Few recent observational studies documented a causal relationship between its use in pregnancy and increased risk of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring.

The statement was published online in [1]American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Acetaminophen is the most commonly used over the counter (OTC) drugs in US for minor aches and pains, and lower fever in pregnancy. A survey estimates that nearly 40-65% of women use Acetaminophen sometimes in pregnancy. In US, the most common brand name is Tylenol.

Two retrospective cohort studies published last year and 3 other similar studies published in 2013-2014 have reported mild association between the drug use and adverse neurological outcomes.

The various neurological disorders that were reported to occur in these studies were ADHD, psychotic symptoms, schizophrenia and autistic spectrum disorder(ASD) with a hyperkinetic disorder.

US-FDA evaluated all these studies in 2015 and issued a statement ““Based on our evaluation of these studies, we believe that the weight of evidence is inconclusive regarding a possible connection between acetaminophen use in pregnancy and ADHD in children.”

FDA further stated that these studies have inherent flaws in study designs. All studies were retrospective in nature and suffered from recall bias, interview bias and inability to control for all the confounders. The diagnosis of ADHD is still evolving and other prenatal and postnatal environmental and genetic factors also play a role in its causation.

Hence, the current evidence is inconclusive to establish causality. But, all medication should be taken in pregnancy  keeping  in mind the risk- benefit ratio. The healthcare providers should caution all patients regarding the safety of OTC drugs in pregnancy.

The full text of the journal article can be accessed here.   


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